Invisalign vs Smile Direct: Make the Right Choice with Dr. Firouz

For many of our patients, a great smile is one without any crowding or spacing. However, a great smile includes a functional bite as well.. 

Few of us are blessed with such a smile through genetics alone, which is why so many people seek orthodontic treatment. 

Dr. Maurice Firouz is in the top 1% of Invisalign providers in the field of orthodontics, making him the authority on Invisalign treatment in West LA. 

Invisalign vs.. Smile Direct

If you have been researching teeth-straightening treatments on the web, then you have surely come across these names. 

Invisalign is the best and most well-known of all clear aligner treatments, but the others have been gaining in popularity due to factors such as cost and convenience. 

SmileDirectClub has gained customers who are attracted to the notion of an at-home teeth-straightening routine at a low cost, but has been proven to be ineffective for many customers. The company has tried to keep customer dissatisfaction under wraps, but the truth is that SmileDirectClub has been the subject of numerous lawsuits because of their products’ ineffectiveness and safety issues. 

Byte is another such company that has garnered attention for advertising itself as a low-cost at-home alternative to Invisalign, but the same issues persist when it comes to safety and overall effectiveness of treatment. 

The American Dental Association strongly discourages using Direct-to-Consumer teeth-straightening products for the above-mentioned risks to safety and problems with effectiveness. 

The Choice Is Clear

Invisalign has been around since the late 1990s, and over the ensuing decades has been proven to improve smiles and bites.  It is a tried and true method for teeth-straightening. 

There is a reason that orthodontists everywhere recommend Invisalign, and that is because it is overall safer and more effective with a great track record.  Over 13 million patients have successfully received Invisalign treatment.

Invisalign is an effective alternative to braces. Invisalign owes its popularity due to the “invisible” aspect of wearing them. Unlike braces, Invisalign aligners are not unsightly and are also removable. Invisalign is cosmetic, effective, comfortable, efficient, and there are no diet restrictions. Invisalign also seamlessly integrates with the iTero digital scanner for state of the art virtual, digital planning.

The message, by now, ought to be clear: When investing in a teeth-straightening method, don’t skimp on your smile. Make the safe and effective choice, under the guidance of a professional.

At Firouz Orthodontics, you will receive Invisalign treatment that is tailored especially for you, bringing you a better smile with greater safety and effectiveness! 

The Best Orthodontics Treatment in West LA

Get in contact with Firouz Orthodontics today if you are interested in achieving your ideal smile.  We serve everyone from children to adults, so you are sure to find the treatment you need, no matter who you are! Patients have obtained treatment from Dr Firouz from many different states and countries.



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Firouz Orthodontics
(Maurice Firouz, DDS)

Address: 11645 Wilshire Blvd Suite 1060
Los Angeles, CA 90025

We encourage you to contact us with any
questions or comments you may have.

Please call our office at (310) 447-5790


Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 9:30AM – 5:30PM